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Category: Early Access

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Airships To Be Scored By Curtis Schweitzer Of Starbound Fame

By David Stark,
I'm excited to announce that Curtis Schweitzer has agreed to create the music for Airships, which is now also available from Desura.

Children of Liberty, A Historical Cartoony Stealth-platformer Released On Steam Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
When four spies of the Sons of Liberty are arrested infiltrating The Province House, their children join Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the Sons of Liberty to finish their mission and break them out as the threat of Revolution looms over the Colonies...

Earth: Year 2066 Survival & Adventure Game Released In Steam's Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
Earth: Year 2066 looks like it could be amazing in a few months when it has some more content, are you ready for yet another survival game?

Pixel Piracy, A Pirate Sandbox Sim Gains Better Linux Support, Yarrrr!

By Liam Dawe,
Pixel Piracy already has a Linux version out for a while now, but they have just realised a patch they have been working on for some-time fixing start-up issues for Linux & Mac, yarrr maties, land ahoy!

Glitchspace FPS Programming Game Enters Steam Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
I haven't written about Glitchspace since finding it, so I imagine a lot of you forgot about it! Glitchspace is now on Steam's Early Access section in the hopes of raising more funds.

Nekro Action Game Coming To Steam Early Access Next Month For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Nekro is a dark-action game that was funded on Kickstarter in May of 2012, they are releasing the first Early Access version onto Steam on May 2nd.

Vlambeer's Procedural Death Labyrinth Nuclear Throne Now Available On Linux, Our Game-play Video

By Liam Dawe,
Nuclear Throne being on Linux is something I have been asking Vlambeer to do for a while now, and this month it finally happened! Nuclear Throne is a fantastic looking Procedural Death Labyrinth built in Game Maker: Studio.

Rimworld Sci Fi Colony Sim Alpha 3 Available, Game-play Video Included

By Liam Dawe,
Rimworld is the really fun sci fi colony simulator built in the style of Prison Architect. I've tested out Alpha 3 and wow, it's really something.

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?

By Liam Dawe,
It's give-away Sunday on GOL! Strife is the new MOBA from S2 Games developers of Heroes of Newerth and the Savage series of games. They have a game called Strife in closed beta right now and we have 2 more keys to give-away!

Entropy Space MMO Receives A Major Feature Update

By Liam Dawe,
Entropy is the great looking space MMO currently in early access that our caster Samsai recently took a lot at. Recently it received a major feature update to pad-out the experience for you.

Wasteland 2 RPG Linux Beta To Come Next Week

By Liam Dawe,
The day has come post-apocalyptic RPG fans, Wasteland 2 the massive hit on Kickstarter is finally going to bring out the promised Linux version!

Interview With Pasi Kainiemi Developer Of Running With Rifles & Linux Game-play Video

By Liam Dawe,
Running With Rifles is a top-down tactical shooter that has hooked me in badly. If you haven't checked it out already now is a good time to do so.

Folk Tale Sandbox Fantasy City-Builder Nearing The Linux Release, Finally

By Liam Dawe,
Folk Tale has been a sore spot for Linux gamers for quite some time now, after initial excuses about graphics drivers the developers are finally closer to a Linux release.

Centration FPS Space Simulation Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Now, Centration isn't much of a game right now as it has been released into early access with little features, but promises big for the future.

FaeVerse Alchemy Released On Steam Early Access For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
FaeVerse Alchemy is a game built for puzzle fans, the developers even say it's made for puzzle game lovers only.

Airships, A Dieselpunk Ship-Design RTS

By David Stark,
Airships v2 is out, bringing better multiplayer and more ship design options. At its core, the game is about designing airships and fighting with them. Ships are put together out of modules, and the layout of modules matters a great deal.

Shadowrun Online Will Not See Day 1 Linux Support, Could Be Another Sore Spot Brewing

By Liam Dawe,
Shadowrun Online billed itself as a "true cross-platform game" in the world of the popular Shadowrun series. It looks like Linux users may be playing another waiting game.

Paper Dungeons Roguelike Now On Steam, Humble & Desura For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Paper Dungeons the frustrating RPG/Roguelike game we recently reviewed from the Desura version has now hit Steam & Humble.

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
You aren't dreaming Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball really is a game. We actually mentioned it a while ago, but they have now pushed into Steam's early access section.

Fight The Dragon, A User Generated Hack'n Slash RPG Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Fight The Dragon is quite the interesting find. It has been released into Steam's early access section that promises plenty of user created fun, but can you deliver the fun?
Showing 2040 to 2060 of 2070 entries found.